Our first stop was in Mitchell, SD where we walked around and through the Corn Palace.

All the murials are made with corn kernels, corn on the cob, corn husk, or corn cobs.
Every year they change the scenes.

Our next stop was The Badlands. If I was more skillful I would buy a better camera and get better pictures. My camera does not pick up the depth of the landscape or the colors as well as I wish it did.

Next stop was at Wall Drug where Amaya ate her first buffalo burger. She liked it.
You have to watch that girl all the time. We looked up and she was sitting on a bench with a cigar smoking card playing floozy.
We got into Rapid City and checked into our motel and then drove to Mount Rushmore to see the presidents. It was raining and they did not make for good picture taking so we got an ice cream cone and went to the motel for a good nights rest.
I am not going to mention each time we got Amaya an ice cream cone because they were numerous. The girl likes ice cream.
We got up Sunday morning and had a very full day at Mount Rushmore, Custer State Park where the animal pictures were taken and Iron Mountain Road where there is some of the most beautiful scenery you could wish for.

The next picture is inside the museum. They have a very interesting museum and a terrific movie of the making of the monument.
Now on to Custer State Park.

Here are the famous "begging burros". We have had experience with them before so had some sliced apple ready. I missed out on a picture of Amaya feeding them. She wanted to take one home. We convinced her that Dad would not be happy. Besides, there was no room in the car.
We saw many buffalo, prog horn antelope, white tail deer, mule dear, a turkey, big horn sheep, and a prairie dog village.
Back to the motel after an exhausting day and then on Monday morning we started home.
We spent the night in Sioux Falls again and I learned something that I did not know. There are water falls in Sioux Falls. The Big Sioux River flows over them.

We had a wonderful trip and were very happy that Amaya enjoyed everything we saw.
Linda and I slept like a couple of rocks last night. It was fun but it is good to be home.
Great Blog -Seems you are very computor savey the way you have everything laid out--We just traded our 1991 Bounder for a 2000 Flair with the exact color scheme as yours-I hope the V-10 motor holds up as good as the 454 chevy--We just completed a 63 day trip from the Fl area and returned to home in Channahon ILL--If you need some cheering up sometime check out our Blog--pauperspride.blogspot.com--Rich & Aud