Monday, March 18, 2013

The Crud goes down to defeat

It took three and a half days and I am pretty well over the crud.  We worked on some of the units today.  We had two that people had left and we needed to get ready for new people tomorrow.  So we did the laundry, refilled the supplies, made the beds and cleaned them.  One was pretty dirty.  The other one had been well taken  care of and was pretty easy.

It is much warmer today.  By the time we got done the temperature was up to 98.  It is suppose to get to 102 today so by late afternoon it will probably be higher.

We just got  back from going down to the office and signing our contract for our job next year.  She also said she was sorry but the people that wanted the two units for tomorrow had just called in an cancelled.  What is that sayi9ng?  S H $ T HAPPENS.  LOL

Here is a picture of my hat band for my hat that LINDA made.  Those that know her will be amazed.  I am very proud of her.  She did a great job.  It is made from strips of leather, decorative gold string, beads, and beer tabs.

Now she needs to make one for her hat.

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