Friday, October 11, 2013

2013-10-08 - Air Conditioner Is Fixed

I wrote this up on the 8th and forgot to hit the publish button so it was sitting in my drafts.

Juan Rivas is a Mobile RV repairman that has been doing this type of work for over 20 years.  He was referred to me by the park manager who has had him work on their RV several times.

I was correct that just the fan motor was frozen up and the compressor was fine.  He replaced the fan motor with a new one and washed out both a/c units.  The front a/c has not worked this well since we bought this motorhome.  It was one of those maintenance costs that come up and was a little over $300 for labor of almost four hours and parts.  He did tell us the back fan motor is starting to leak some oil, but if it were him he would wait until it stops and then fix it.  That is what we are going to do.

Linda is still feeling sick.  It seems to get better then  comes back.  She started a Z-pack last night and we will see how that works.    I am not feeling the best, but it could be that I did not sleep real well last night knowing we had an unknown expense coming up.  Hopefully I will sleep better tonight and wake up full of pep.

We have a lot of work we want to get done tomorrow and then on Thursday morning I have a dental appointment in Mexico to get my upper dentures rel

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