Friday, October 11, 2013

2013-10-11 - To Mexico and back

I had a dental appointment in Progreso Mexico yesterday to get my upper dentures relined.  Dr. Arnoldo Portitello did the work.  They sure do fit good.  The cost was only $55 and he said it should last for one to one and a half years.  A new denture will cost $300.  The prices have gone up down there.  It use to be $150, but since Progreso is the only really safe place to cross over that has raised the demand and therefore the prices.  They still have bargain prices on everything.

I walked from the entrance almost to the end of the business part and back before my appointment.  After he was finished I had a couple of beers and a huge meal that I brought part of home.  I took a picture with my phone and sent it to a couple of people by way of text message but am unable to load to my pc so I can post.  Just take my word for it.  It looked and tasted very good.

Oh Oh Oh.  I forgot.  I used the restroom at the dental office and it was as nice and clean as any I have used in the states.  For those that have not been to Mexico, sometimes the restrooms leave a bit to be desired. 

I only worked about three hours today and Linda took the day off.  We might work a little bit tomorrow. 

Linda is wore out.  She just finished giving Precious a bath.  She looks and smells better.

Also Linda is feeling better than she has for a little over a week.  The Z-pack must have worked.

Poker tonight.

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